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About Us

The Nepal All is an independent news portal in Nepal, operated by Candid Media Group Nepal. The Nepal All is dedicated to good journalism in Nepal and strives to serve its readers with truthful, factual, authentic, and verified news and updates, free from bias, favor, or fear, in near a real time as it happens.

The Nepal All guarantees that it is accurate and impartial in its news content, ensuring fairness, accountability, and honesty in seeking the truth.

Our mission is not just to be lost in the crowd or follow it blindly, but to uphold the ideals, values, and recognition of the media. We exist with the promise of standing up for the freedom of citizens and individuals, as well as the sovereignty and independence of our country.

As an independent media outlet, we embrace accountability. We believe that a government guided by accountability, an active opposition, engaged citizens, and an independent judiciary are essential conditions for responsible and free communication. Democracy and free communication are incomplete without these elements.

We strive to present news objectively and provide a common platform for all kinds of ideas, where censorship and ideological intolerance have no place. Our existence and effectiveness depend on the support, suggestions, and approval of our readers and audience. Therefore, we request everyone to support our organization by providing necessary materials, suggestions, information, and constructive criticism.

We are driven by professional values, ethics, and obligations. We take full responsibility for any weaknesses and inadequacies and ask for your understanding as we strive to improve. The Nepal All would be more than delighted to receive your comments, views and ideas from the audience.

Email: [email protected]
Phone No: +977
Address: New Baneshwor, Kathmandu