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Secured Transactions Bill scheduled for introduction in HoR today

A meeting of the House of Representatives/File Photo
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KATHMANDU: The House of Representatives (HoR) is convening today at 11 am, with a primary agenda item being the introduction of the ‘Secured Transactions (First Amendment) Bill, 2080’, as per directives from the National Assembly, where the bill originated.

In addition to deliberating on the Appropriation Bill, 2081, ministers are expected to address inquiries, including clarifications from the Minister of Health and Population on the forthcoming fiscal year’s budget (2024/025).

Discussions will encompass budget allocations for ministries such as Women, Children and Senior Citizens; Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation; Federal Affairs and General Administration; Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation; Finance; Home Affairs; Foreign Affairs; Physical Infrastructure and Transport; the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers; National Planning Commission; the Vice President’s Office; and the President’s Office.

MPs will also propose reductions in budgetary allocations across various ministerial portfolios.